I would like to invite each one of you for our 40 Days Praying & Fasting that will start on 5th May – 13th June 2014.
Jesus did not say if you fast: He said when you fast because fasting is a part of the Christian life. It is a part of our Christian walk (Source: Benny Hinn ministry).
The source of the devotional can be downloaded HERE.
Download eBookFor eBook in Bahasa Indonesia, you can find it in here.
Below is the Preface Words from the IFGF Pray Ministry, Mrs. Yenny Tjipto and Mrs. Lina Hasmy:
Shalom brother and sisters in Christ Jesus,
We would like to welcome everyone to start the exciting journey of 40 days praying and fasting from May 5th to June 13th 2014. We would like to encourage everyone to dedicate and invest this period to simply humble ourselves, seek His face, and allow Him to do His mighty work in our life. As Indonesia is going to have an upcoming presidential election, we would like to invite everyone to unite our heart in prayer over this nation as well.
Moses went up to mount Sinai and set aside 40 days being in God’s presence. He receive many instructions and guidance during His encounter with God on the mountain. During our corporate fasting for 40 days, we believe God will speak to each and every one of us personally and corporately.
This devotional book that we are about to read for the next 40 days will guide us to be living a glorious life. We would like to encourage all of us to open our heart, our mind and let God speak to us through this boo. We will find keys and guidance to live a glorious life in Jesus Christ.
Prepare yourself spiritually and physically for the next 40 Days ahead to pray and fast. Together we will witness His divine intervention over our personal life, work, family, church, community, and nation’s life, and be transformed into His likeness.
Jesus Bless you