Spring season has come, and the trees start blossoming everywhere. New life has come; just like this March we start entering the month of Easter.
Easter has become one of tradition nowadays where people collecting eggs, and have bunny ornaments around their house. However, it is much more than that! Easter means to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary.
His sacrifices on the cross, His blood that was shed to redeem us from the death has become a living prove of how much He loves us. “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” – John 15:13. Can we accept the new identity that He already gives to us? Can we takeoff our old robe and exchange it with the new robe that is white as snow?
Too often we, as Christians, feel we are unworthy to receive His Gift of Abundant Life. But it is not His will. We must know, and believe who we are in Christ, our new identity. Just like How Christ was clothed in white after He has won over the death, the same privilege & clothe is given unto us. By His blood on the cross we become victor!
Let’s not take His sacrifices for granted, instead let’s come boldly into His throne with faith and receive the gift of salvation & new life.
Happy Easter, Happy New Life!